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  • Writer's pictureYXE Quick Clean Team

What does excessively dirty mean?

Vehicle detailing is a messy business.

The photos above are of an SUV that was brought to us recently. This vehicle is excessively dirty. Can we clean this vehicle? You bet. Is it the worst we've ever seen (and cleaned)? Nope. Will it take extra time than the average SUV clean? Yes.

Once we get a chance to take a look through your vehicle we will give you a call to let you know if we think we will need additional time above the average 2 hour turnaround we provide. We want to make a clean vehicle a reality for every customer so we break down any additional time needed into 30 min chunks to make it affordable.

If your vehicle looks like the above photos please know it's going to take us more time than the average vehicle to get there for you.

We can clean these nooks and crannies but when they get this bad it will take more time.

We are a no judgment zone. Life is busy and often cleaning your vehicle gets put on the back burner. Let us check this "to-do" item off your list!

If you have questions regarding your vehicle's detail, or think you may fit into the excessively dirty category please reach out by phoning or texting us at 306-700-5599. We can't wait to give you the clean vehicle you deserve.

Keep a roll of papertowel in the door of your car - cleaning up these spills when they happen will help protect the value of your second largest investment (after real estate)

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